Carols Better Health Better Life

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Can Mercury affect your Immune system

Mercury exposure stresses the immune system of every person who has them. Both a properly functioning immune system and the body's method for excreting mercury consume the antioxidant enzyme Glutathione. When mercury depletes the body of Glutathione, it has a direct negative effect on the immune system's ability to respond properly to infections and cancer.
A perpetual immune response against a relentless stream of metal flowing from the teeth will consume many essential nutrients, and eventually cause the immune system to "burn out", leaving immunities chronically depressed.

Glutathione is extremely important for a competent immune system. The body uses glutathione to detoxify and excrete mercury, other heavy metals, and numerous toxins. Adequate Glutathione levels are essential for the body's energy processes to function properly.

Glutathione from the diet requires that proteins be eaten, digested, absorbed, then "deconjugated" to create free form amino acids which are then made available to form Glutathione and other essential compounds in the cells. Mercury interferes with sulfur bearing compounds throughout the body, and can block the ability of the body to synthesize Glutathione.

Safely remove mercury dental fillings with a mercury savvy dentist who uses a properly installed rubber dam, air respirator for you, and air scavenging system to protect everyone else in his dental office.

Discontinue the use of acetaminophen, and aspartame which also consume Glutathione and stress the liver. Stay away from smokers and alcohol. Consider getting an activated charcoal filter for your drinking and cooking water, and metal-free glass cookware.

We can temporarily remove Mercury absorbed in the body by giving Parotid PMG, but it will leak back into the system if you drink hot drinks and chew hot foods.

Parotid PMG 6-0-6
(Pulls the bacteria out of head and lungs)
Calsol 5-0-5
(kills Strep and contains Magnesium to soften bowels)
Candibactin 2-0-2
(containing Oregon Grape Root, Coptis, Berberine, Skullcap, Ginger, Licorice Root) Also removes Candida
Vitamin C (before bedtime) 1000mg
Colloidal Silver as directed on bottle