Carols Better Health Better Life

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kidney Stones????

Kidney Stones Summary
From Dr. Bruce West

The major cause of kidney stones can be an overly alkaline system, a wrong diet, an omega-3 deficiency, and lack of pure water.

Why do they form? Kidney stones can be caused by a strict vegetarian diet if your blood type is B or O. This can cause an overly alkaline system which then interferes with calcium metabolism. Or kidney stones can be due to a cooked food diet, without the raw foods that contain enzymes needed for proper utilization.

Forcing yourself to become too alkaline is a recipe for arthritis, allergies, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. Adults with chronic and especially acute kidney stones who have an alkaline urine (above 6.5 in the morning and 7.25 in the afternoon) need Phosfood Liquid by Standard Process to bring about better acid/alkaline balance.

Because we eat a cooked food diet, we are a nation of people with enzyme deficiencies. Enzymes are needed to maintain the proper utilization of calcium, which makes up most kidney stones. With an enzyme deficiency, calcium leaches out of the bones (osteoporosis) and accumulates in the blood to settle into joints (arthritis), eyes (cataracts), blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) and kidneys (kidney stones). If you have these problems, you need to eat one third of your diet raw.

Since most people eat a cooked food diet with inadequate green leafy vegetables, we are a nation of chlorophyll deficiency. We simply do not eat enough green raw vegetables.

Chlorophyll is essential for anyone with kidney stones because it activates the blood protein called osteocalcin. Without osteocalcin you will not be able to rebuild bone, and you will chronically develop excess amounts of calcium oxalate (the major component of kidney stones). That is why a ONE THIRD RAW DIET with plenty of green leafy (spinach, romaine) vegetables is essential to anyone with kidney stones.

WATER Drink reverse osmosis water. Water is the best way to eliminate most of the inorganic minerals that your body has trouble utilizing. RO water does not contain chlorine or fluoride. These are the two most toxic chemicals to the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland teams up with omega 3 fatty acids and iodine to become the middleman for the way your body delivers calcium. The thyroid helps deliver calcium where it is needed (bones and tissues) and keeps it from places where it is not needed, such as joints (arthritis), eyes (cataracts), arteries (hardening of the arteries), and kidney (kidney stones). If you are a stone former, water is critical. Switching to RO (reverse osmosis) water alone puts an end to some patient’s kidney stones.

If you are a stone former, you also need Vitamin F. With kidney stones, flax oil is best. It is fuel for the thyroid gland, supporting its role as the calcium middleman. Supplement with flax oil (1 tablespoon daily for 6 months and 1 tsp thereafter. Then take Cataplex F from Standard Process (6 tablets a day for 6 months, followed by 3 indefinitely. This may be the most important supplement for kidney stone sufferers. It contains omega 3 fatty acids with organic iodine and liver extract. Take the table salt out of your house and switch to Celtic Sea Salt.

Use the following protocol to pass your stones:
Take 6 Cataplex F tables and 1 tablespoon of flax oil 3 x a day.
If your urine has a consistent PH of greater than 7.25, take 20 drops of Phosfood Liquid 3 times daily. Do this until you pass the stone.

If you damage your urethra while passing a stone (painful urination with blood), take 6 Cyruta Plus tables daily for 15 days.

If you have kidney stones or arthritis, you cannot take antacids (TUMS). If you are menopausal don’t take them either.

Calcium lactate has the most useable form of calcium for supplements.

You can’t live your usual lifestyle and eat your normal diet and expect anything to change when it comes to kidney stones, arthritis and osteoporosis.

SUMMARY for Kidney Stone Formers
• Check your urine PH and if it is above 6.5 in the morning or 7.25 in the afternoon, take Phosfood Liquid
• Chorophyll supplements (3 daily for 6 months and then 1 a day) or eat plenty of raw leafy vegetables- 4 cups of a day minimum
• Reverse Osmosis Water (1/2 your body weight in ounces daily) Devoid of chlorine and fluoride.
• Cut the Salt, use Sea Salt
• Flax Seed Oil (1 tablespoon for 6 months) and then 1 teaspoon for life.
• and Cataplex F (6 tablets daily for 12 weeks and then 3 daily indefinitely.

Taken from Health Alert June 2009