Carols Better Health Better Life

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Home or Remodeling Health Dangers

For those of you building a new house or remodeling an old house, consider persons in your family who have allergies. If you have asthma, your family will do better with wood and tile.

New carpet contains formaldehyde, and other chemicals
Formaldehyde - It is included in EPA's Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory. It is a confirmed carcinogen. Animal experiments have reported adverse reproductive effects. Human mutation data has been reported. In humans it can cause eye, nose and throat irritation, bronchial spasm, lung irritation, dermatitis, aggressive behavior, and olfactory (smell) changes. Frequent or prolonged exposure may cause hypersensitivity to subsequent lower level exposures. Published studies indicate the ASTM E981 test is a reliable indicator of adverse human health effects for formaldehyde.

NASA’s study on plants removing Formaldehyde
In one experiment to test common houseplants’ ability to remove formaldehyde from the air, “Each plant type was placed in sealed, Plexiglas chambers in which chemicals were injected. Philodendron, spider plant and the golden pothos were labeled the most effective in removing formaldehyde molecules.” (Source: Zone 10 Houseplants that clean the air)

“We feel that future results will provide an even stronger argument that common indoor landscaping plants can be a very effective part of a system used to provide pollution free homes and work places, ” he concludes.

These are their top 10 plants most effective in removing Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Carbon Monoxide from the air

Bamboo Palm
Chinese Evergreen
English Ivy
Gerbera Daisy
Janet Craig
Marginata, Dracaena Massangeana, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, Pot Mum, Peace Lily

Therefore, to ELIMINATE Formaldehyde from the Workplace, Home, Lumber (Plywood, Laminates, Carpeting, etc.) it is a simple Process to place, in an enclosed area with the Formic Acid saturated item or location, an open bowl of Lemon Scented Ammonia (easily purchased at any Grocer's) and enclose this bowl with the item for approximately 3 days by which time, BOTH the Formaldehyde AND the Ammonia will have Dissappeared, being both neutralized via the process of Oxidation and Acid/Base reaction, and decomposed into their By-Products, which are, again, a harmless Imine , losing Water.

Homeopathicly, Formic Acid (Formaldehyde) can be eliminated from the body proving it by exposure (inhalation or contact) via two separate methods. Since the antagonist of Formaldehyde is Ammonia, then, if inhalation occurs, as in shopping in a location which contains new Carpeting, Plywood, Lumber, Laminates, etc., New Clothing, Textiles, or looking at, living in, or selling Manufactured homes, (at which it would be impossible or impractible for the exposee to eliminate by the methods listed above the source of the Formaldehyde), it is a simple process for the potential exposee to carry with them a simple Ammonia inhaler, easily purchased at any Drug Store, and, after the exposure is over, to go outside into fresh air (oxidizing agent) and to apply the inhaler, then take several deep, clean breaths of fresh air following that inhalation. The drinking of freshly squeezed Lime juice, or the eating of a fresh lime will also act Homeopathicly as an antagonist of Formaldehyde (like cures like), as listed below, it contains minute quantities of Formic acid.

The Homeopathic method of eliminating Formaldehyde reaction following exposure to this Compound, is to take Ammonium carbonicum in a 6C potency, repetition as symptoms dictate.

Symptoms of Formaldehyde poisoning or "Proving" are as follows:

Mind; Forgetfulness. Anxiety, Unconciousness
Head; Coryza, eyes water, Vertigo
Mouth; Ptyalism, thick saliva; loss of taste
Stomach; Food feels as if it were a ball in stomach. Burning in mouth and stomach.
Abdomen; Intense urging to stool, watery stool.
Urinary: Anuria, albuminous urine
Respiratory: Dyspnea, Laryngismus stridulus, Whooping cough
Fever; Chills in forenoon, followed by long fever. Bones ache during whole paroxism. During fever, forgets where he was.
Skin: leather-like, deeply wrinkled face, scales. (Marlboro Man syndrome) Eczema in neighborhood of wound. Damp sweat most marked on right upper extremities.
Generalities: Cancer