Carols Better Health Better Life

Monday, May 25, 2009

Preparing For The Swine Flu

The company I buy my Ion Detox units from sent me the following email. I added the bolded statements.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) there are some 5,700 “confirmed” cases of H1N1 influenza (swine flu) and eight deaths in the U.S. (as of May 20, 2009), but admittedly cannot keep up with testing and now make estimates based on statistical modeling.

This modeling indicates that the flu is at a pandemic level, and will eventually infect one-third to one-half of the world population. The number of deaths in the northern hemisphere is relatively low due to the positive health effects of the sun and higher vitamin D (naturally anti-viral) levels in the spring and coming summer. This is expected to change in the winter, a traditional time for flu outbreaks with the lower levels of vitamin D.

Potentially millions of us may become carriers, mixing H1N1 with other flu strains, causing continual mutations. These mutations will make creating an effective and timely vaccine difficult if not impossible. But with healthy immune systems we can reduce our susceptibility to the disease, as viruses will not multiply in a healthy body. Our best defense is a proactive approach to optimizing our health and immune system.

Ionic Detox
Regular ionic detox sessions can provide an excellent cornerstone in improving ones immune system, as the whole purpose is to improve the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins and help balance our levels of acids and alkaline. The negative ions entering the body can neutralize acids and heavy metals, improving the body’s ability to detoxify itself. According to M. Amin, PhD, Doctor of Naturopathy, "Ion Detox will strengthen the immune system to fight any invading germs, bacteria or viruses."

The human gut is host to trillions of bacteria, the maintenance of which is essential to proper digestion and much more, including a strong immune system. A healthy gut is essential to detoxification and protection from viral and parasitic attack. This balance of good bugs can become compromised over time with the direct (medicines) or indirect (food additives) use of antibiotics, poor diet, drugs, stress or the aging process. We have several good Probiotic supplements which are essential in righting and maintaining the balance of good bugs, making for efficient and healthy digestive processes. You may want to include plain yogurt or kefir to your daily diet.

Also important for proper digestion is fiber in the diet, where the daily recommended intake for adults is 25-30 grams. Ideally this would all come from our diets, but getting that last bit can be difficult, especially since many of us do not eat enough fiber rich foods (for example one apple has 4-5 grams fiber, now imagine 5-6x per day). Endefen by Metagenics is a good fiber, as well as ground up Golden Flax seed

Alkaline/Acid Balance For a Healthy Body
Also vital to a healthy body is a proper alkaline to acid ratio. The balance must be maintained for normal metabolic processing. Unfortunately the average American diet is decidedly acidic, especially with the high doses of fatty acids and particularly sugar.

In addition your bodies needs minerals and digestive enzymes every day to keep your body healthy and balanced. Reducing your acid level also improves the body’s ability to utilize minerals. A body that is too acidic will also hold onto more heavy metals like mercury. These metals also cause stress to the body, thus creating more acids and a cruel unhealthy cycle. Many of these steps towards a healthy body overlap in purpose and go hand in hand, like reducing toxins, increasing alkaline balance and reducing acidity.

Recap – Steps to a Healthy Body for the Best in Flu Protection
1. Eat Right – reduce acids (sugar and high fructose sweeteners major offender) and increase level of alkaline foods. Supplement with alkalized water.
2. Get enough sleep – the body does its best healing at full rest
3. Digestion – take care of the gut and the whole GI with probiotic foods and supplements
4. Exercise – stimulates cleansing blood flow and stress-reducing hormones
5. Exposure to sunshine – the best source of vitamin D, a natural anti-viral vitamin
6. Ionic Foot Detox – also reduce acid levels, neutralize toxins making them easily excreted