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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Do you suffer from High Blood Pressure

Most of my information comes from “The Blood pressure Cure” by Robert E. Kowalski.
Always keep in mind that every person has a unique body and what works for one person may not work for the next. The following review will give you some general guidelines and perhaps a way for you to evaluate what you should add to your health journey. You did not acquire high blood pressure overnight, so if you go the natural method of healing, it will not immediately become normal. The body has to go through a healing process which can take 12 weeks minimum.
1. It is important to learn to breathe properly. There is a breathing device called "RESPeRATE" that helps you learn how to breathe. To learn more about it, go to

2. There is a lot of data suggesting that large amounts of Arginine are a good substitute for blood pressure medication. Cardio plus from Standard Process along with Cataplex B also helps many people lower their blood pressure.

3. An Electrolyte Balance of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Do not add extra salt at the table to your foods. Don't use canned soups. Use more herbs and spices (Mrs. Dash) to give flavor to your foods.

4. Drink at least 1/2 gallon of water daily. Drink before your meals. Drink 2 cups of water before meals and 1 cup of water before snacks. Do not drink more than 1/2 cup of liquid during your meal. This will help your natural HCL in your stomach to be able to digest your food better. Do not drink any pop. Keep your coffee and caffeinated beverages to one cup a day.

5. Cut all sugar out of your diet as well as white flour during this eight weeks.

6. Make sure you always get 350 mg of magnesium, 1000 mg of Vitamin C and 600 mg of calcium. Most of these needs will be found in our deeply discounted OrthoMolecular Foundation Pack. The fish oil in this pack will help decrease your blood pressure.
If you get a lot of fresh green vegetables you will get the amount of potassium you need in a day.

7. Fish oil (EPA/DHA) should be supplemented from 1,000-3,000 mg a day if you have high blood pressure. Enjoy fish at least two or three days a week. This lessens the body's capability of forming blood clots.

8. Lactobacillus, present in fermented milk or yogurt has also been known to lower blood pressure by keeping good bacteria in the gut wall. Enjoy yogurt twice a day.

9. Co Q10 is important if anyone has been or is on statin drugs. Statin drugs, such as Lipitor, lower the production of CoQ 10.

10. Use a lot of Garlic in cooking.

11. Watch these herbs which tend to RAISE blood pressure: Ginkgo, ginseng, licorice, and St Johns Wort.

12. Laughter and Blood Pressure
Laughter boosts the body's production of Nitric oxide, which relaxes the arterial linging and allows for more efficient blood flow.

13. Melatonin. A single dose of 2.5 mg did no good, but taken nightly over the course of three weeks helped. This helped blood pressure during the night. Some people's blood pressure rises as they sleep and affects their heart. In the end, the heart is healing as it sleeps.

Sleep disorders also increase blood pressure. Sleeping fewer hours than eight hours nightly would expose us to daytime pressures for a longer period of time and the longer that sleep deprivation, the higher the average pressure will be. A condition known as "sleep apnea" may be even more deadly to the blood pressure.

14. Slow restful calming music is also useful in lowering blood pressure.

15. Smoking will increase blood pressure.

16. Weight loss drugs will increase blood pressure. Stay away from stimulants such as bitter orange, caffeine, ma huang, and guarana.

So here are the big WEAPONS for blood pressure:
1500 mg of Arginine
200 Grape Seed Extract or drink 4 oz of red wine or 1 oz of Resvinatrol Complete
Lycopene from Tomato Extract
Pycnogenol www.pycnogenol

And last, but not least. A chiropractic C1 adjustment with the ProAdjuster Blood Pressure protocol can sometimes reduce blood pressure as well. Monthly massages and weekly foot reflexology sessions also aid in relaxing and balancing the body.