Carols Better Health Better Life

Monday, February 2, 2009

Parasites common to humankind

Dr. Oz from Oprah's show says that 90% of Americans have parasites. We agree.

If you are not convinced that intestinal parasites are real, check out the recent image of Oprah and Dr. Oz holding "wormzilla," a human intestinal tapeworm.

"Almost everyone has parasites. It's simply a fact of life. Even Dr. Oz, the now famous Oprah Winfrey guest says..."ninety percent of humans will have a problem with parasites in their lifetime." Parasites are not just something that other people get – a malady reserved for citizens of developing countries. Everywhere we go, during just about everything we do, North Americans are vulnerable to parasitic infestation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies parasites as among the six most dangerous diseases that infect humans. Parasites outrank cancer as the number one global killer, and account for many of the digestive woes from which people suffer."

From Dr Schmidt's website on
"The most common symptoms are clenching or grinding of the teeth or jaw and an itchy butt. Read through this article to get more of an idea if you might be affected by parasites.

Parasites can be big, like tapeworms: fifteen feet long. They can also be single-celled; only visible with a microscope. They can live anywhere in the body, such as in the sinuses, around the ears, in the brain and, of course, the intestines. Parasites can even live in the heart muscle or heart chambers.

Some parasites lay eggs. The eggs hatch around the time of the full moon, give or take four days.

Parasites cause psoriasis, heart problems, constipation, diarrhea, muscle weakness, floaters in the eyes, junk food cravings, excessive appetite, allergies and depression. Many people who complete a parasite program report that they are happier and enjoy the company of others more.

To get rid of parasites, Mother Nature has provided us with certain plants. In Japan, people use wasabi (with sushi) and in Mexico, it's hot peppers. In India, people use curry and turmeric to stay free of parasites. Many cultures throughout the world do a parasite cleanse every six months or one year. The World Health organization recognizes Wormwood as an effective herb to kill parasites. When worms die, they cause intestinal cramping, pain, diarrhea or constipation. In the toilet, the worms often look like angel hair pasta with a frayed end.

To kill egg-laying parasites, it is necessary to take the herbs for ten days, then stop them for five. This is because for ten days you are killing the "mother" parasite. It releases a chemical that prevents the eggs from hatching. When the mother is dead, the eggs start to hatch. Let them hatch for five days, then start back on the herbs. If you don't, the baby parasites will fight each other to become the next dominant worm. Cycle the program like this for 2 to 3 months.

The herbs may also be ineffective even when cycled properly because they may not be the correct herbs to target the specific parasite a person has. Certain herbs are more effective for certain parasites, and we can discern which herbs are appropriate via muscle testing. Parasites that do not lay eggs do not require cycling of the herbs.

To be sure that you are free of parasites, get into the office and asked to be checked. Bring your family as well, because we often share parasites with each other and our pets."