Carols Better Health Better Life

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Exercise Lesson 1

Way to go! Most of you have incorporated exercise on a daily basis this week. Whether the scales knew it or not, your clothes probably show it. After you find your target heart rate, you just need to maintain it for 20 minutes out of 25 minutes of walking. Stretches take approximately 10 minutes. Walking 1.5 miles will take approximately 20 minutes.

Breathing Right while you exercise –to lose fat
Getting lots of oxygen into your body really speeds up your rate of weight loss. When you breathe correctly, you oxygenate your body which helps fan the flames of your body’s fat-burning furnace. To make sure you get plenty of oxygen, follow this simple pattern as you do your fat burning routine: as you step, breathe in through your nose for 4 steps, exhale from your mouth for 2 steps. It’s that simple. And it will make sure that your body has enough oxygen to burn fat at its maximum potential

Why only do 30 minutes of exercise: I want it to become a lifestyle and something I can maintain for life. If it takes too much time, I will drop the habit when my class is finished. When burning fat, working harder is not better. The key to burning fat quickly is to keep your pulse near your Target heart rate. Make sure you stay in your target Fat Burning Zone for at least 20 out of the 30 minutes of walking. Take your pulse for 10 seconds.

Target Heart Rate Formula

220 minus your Age times 60% = Target Heart Rate. Divide that by 6, to get your 10 second heart rate.
Example 220 minus 56 = 164 x 60%=98.4 and if I divide that by 6, my target heart rate is 16
So my fat starts to burn at 16 and continues to about 19. If it goes faster than that I begin to burn muscle tissue.

• If your PH is acid, eat nuts
• If your PH is alkaline, eat seeds
• Keep your dark chocolate to 50 calories a day

2 oz of almonds or walnuts
1/4 c. of raisins or dried cherries or cranberries
50 calories of 70-85% dark chocolate (Lindt)

*Follow the Diet Plan exactly (no Pig out Meals).
*Exercise 30 minutes a day, and stay in your Target heart rate for 20 out of those 30 minutes
* You must get 100 grams of protein daily and at least 30 grams of fiber
*You must drink at least 2 quarts of water daily
* Write down every thing you eat on a Diet Journal