Carols Better Health Better Life

Saturday, February 7, 2009

High Blood Pressure

I got interested in Heart disease when my father had stents put in due to sudden high blood pressure two years ago. My Grandparents on my mother's side died of heart attacks. My Grandfather on Dad's side had a stroke.

I don't propose to know much about high blood pressure. Dad had struggled with irregular heart beat for many years. My brother in law, a nurse, checked out his symptoms and called for immediate help to have his blood pressure checked. By the next day he was a candidate for a stent. Stents are used depending on certain features of the artery blockage.

In this article I will share some of the things I have been reading. When it comes to Heart disease, it is not something that you should try to "live with" because the end result is not good. Do something.....but not just anything.

Suffice it to say, that heart symptoms should not be viewed lightly. Have a yearly check up that includes, Weight, Blood pressure, body temperature, Complete blood profile, including General Health panel, thyroid panel, Lipid panel, CBC/chem, Urinalysis.

Most of the time when someone has a blood pressure of 160/90 we cannot muscle test their reflexes to see what nutrition is best. We call that "blocked regulation" for muscle testing. They will often benefit from a blood pressure medication while taking nutrition for the heart. Then when the blood pressure gets too low (below the normal 120/80), the medication can gradually be reduced.

The worst case scenario is to let your blood pressure sky rocket, day after day, until the heart is damaged. Here are some of the things I learned from reading.

CHANGE YOUR DIET to eating all Heart Healthy foods. Do not eat fried foods. Eat small healthy meals (300-350 calories) every 3 hours. Heart Healthy foods are: Omega 3 foods including Fish, 50 calories of olive oil, 70-85% dark chocolate (50 calories a day), 1 serving of almonds or walnuts, three fruits a day, 3-4 servings of green vegetables daily, 2 oz of red wine. Do not eat large portions of protein (meat, eggs, etc) at a meal. For more information scroll down to my article "Why Can't Healthy Things in Life Be more Fun."

The kidneys (in addition to being purifiers, filters, and waste removers)are also responsible for monitoring blood pressure and taking corrective action if it should drop. The kidney is able to perform gluconeogenesis, the manufacturing of glucose from amino acids, and release it into the bloodstream. The kidneys are the primary source of producing and circulating arginine, an amino acid. Arginine signals the release of nitic oxide, which in tun stimulates the release of insulin or glucagon. The Liver, the Pancreas, the Adrenals, and all other organs function in response to specific signals given by the kidney.

If the Right kidney cannot do it's job, it begins the "demand cycle." The right kidney will put a demand on the gallbladder. The gallbladder then becomes overworked and angry, and puts a demand on the liver. When the Liver is overworked, it puts a demand on the stomach. The STOMACH then puts demands on all the other organs.

If the Right kidney is sick, detoxification of any other organ is only a temporary fix. The resulting waste and toxins eventually have to be filtered through the kidneys.

If the kidneys are not functioning optimally, these toxins and wastes back up in the body and affect the various organs of the body. For example, if the Right kidney is sick, toxins back up and affect the gallbladder, then the liver, the spleen, the left kidney, then the pancreas..... To successfully detoxify the body it is imperative that the Right kidney is healthy. Once the kidneys are healthy, one should only detoxify the body by means that HYDRATE and LUBRICATE, not dehydrate.

If a patient has a high blood pressure, but muscle tests weak in the heart reflex this could indicate that the stomach or kidneys are sick. If the stomach reflex is weak and sick it will produce toxins which weaken the heart. The heart is tired, but working overtime to try to clear out the toxins that continue to attack it, thus the high blood pressure. If the Stomach is healed, the blood pressure may come down and the heart is able to regain its energy.

Concentrate on the stomach if it muscle tests weak. A product from Biotics called Ca D-Glucarte is a formula that enables the body to detoxify the stomach and kidneys. If you are developing a big stomach, this will be your first step, because you probably have a lot of undigested food in your stomach.

If your Stomach muscles tests weak take an average of 1-3 Ca D-Glucarate (Biotics) a day. The nutrition should be taken for 10 days, repeat the muscle test. If it is still weak continue the nutrition for another 10 days. Eventually you should be able to reduce the product to a maintenance dose of 1 a day for 12 weeks. Ca D-Glucarate assists in neutralizing the end product of digestion, especially when there are hormonal waste products to handle. This information comes from CRA.

There are many products given for the Heart.
Dr West recommends Standard Process Products and here is a paragraph quoting his article on Congestive Heart Failure:

"If you suffer from CHF, you need a clinical dose of the right nutrients now. This may be from six to 12 Cataplex B, 12 to 15 Cardio-Plus, and three to six Organic Minerals daily. In some cases, you’ll need to chew these supplements as they are made from food, and your body uses food from the mouth down. For most people, the very first week of chewing up some of this nutrition will provide relief. You’ll begin to feel much, much better. Your heart is now pumping previously congested blood out of your heart and through your arteries once again.

What Happens?
Well, if I could have every CHF sufferer chew up six to nine Cataplex B tablets and 12 to 15 Cardio Plus tablets daily for 90 days, I could empty lots of cardiac wards, cut the $50 billion dollar CHF bill by two-thirds, and save untold numbers of lives and years of suffering. It’s not unusual for a CHF sufferer in the throes of tachycardia to have the heart calm right down to normal beats within 15 minutes of chewing up six to nine Cataplex B tablets." For the entire article go to:

Everyone seems to have a different answer today. So check with your Heart doctor. He may insist you take a blood pressure medication. If your Heart doctor insists you take Coumadin, (Coumadin is used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in veins and arteries) you should know that most of the natural foods you need for your heart can no longer be eaten when taking Coumadin. I've often wondered why heart patients don't beg their doctors to let them eat 5 or more Heart healthy fruits and vegetables a day instead of being forced to no longer eat citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. These healthy foods are good for both Heart and prevention of cancer.

Patients often do not question their doctors when they are prescribed medications. Some heart doctors are giving Cholesterol medications to Heart patients who do not have high cholesterol. Be sure to always read the Side Effects of any medication you are prescribed. Be an informed patient. It is the doctor's job to explain why he is prescribing a medication and tell you what the side effects are. Always ask if there is a natural product you can take instead of a synthetic medication.

If your medical doctor cannot find the source of your problem, you may want to consider an affordable BioMeridian Computerized Stress Test at Middlebury Chiropractic. It costs $100 for the first session (which takes 2 hours) and $50 for each additional check up every 3 months. We will help you determine what organ systems are currently stressed and what Nutrition will balance that organ system and get you back on the road to healing.