Carols Better Health Better Life

Friday, January 9, 2009

Break Fast and Body Temperatures

I have learned through my more mature Diet patients that many of our patients do not eat breakfast. Many of our patients have underactive and tired thyroids through years of having only bagels or toast and coffee for breakfast. They treat their wood stoves better than their own bodies. How many of us would try to start a fire in our wood stoves in the winter with paper? Wouldn't it burn better with wood? How long would we expect our houses to stay warm with a paper fire? And how often do we have to put wood in the stove to keep the fire burning? Twice a day? That is how often most mature adults are eating. Some eat toast for breakfast and wait to eat again until suppertime and expect the body to have energy?

So Lesson # 1. If you never learn anything else from me. Always eat a breakfast which includes protein, unless you are on a Detoxification program. If you are on a Detoxification program you should eat fruit every hour until noon. Fruit and vegetables digests in 15 minutes. Meat digests in 4 hours. Breakfast means Break the Fast. You should eat within an hour of rising. You should eat 5 small meals of around 350 calories every 3 hours, and end the day with a citrus snack before bedtime.

The best time to consume citrus fruits or take Vitamin C is at bedtime (unless you are on a Detox program). Citrus fruits and Vitamin C lower the body temperature and we are trying to get the inner body temperature up during the daytime hours. The Thyroid is the FIRE that keeps your body temperature warm. It begins the day at a low temp and warms up as the day commences. By 11:00 AM it should be between 98.6 and 99. Between 11:00 AM and 3:00 AM the sun usually shines the brightest and the body should be the warmest. This is an excellent time to consume meat, because when the body temperature is higher, protein is digested better. If the body temperature is low, you will have large amounts of undigested protein in your body making you bloat, burp, belch. NOOOO it is not normal to burp, belch and have gas after a meal. It just means you have either eaten too much or your food is not digesting well. You may need to have an digestive enzyme to help you digest your food, but it could also means you have eaten with a cold body temperature.

You should always have your iodine levels checked, your thyroid checked. Tired mature thyroids often need Thytrophin PMG (SP) and organically bound minerals to repair the thyroid. Synthroid often depletes iodine levels in the body, which creates a need for more thyroid.

We can muscle test or do a Biomeridian Stress test for your organs to see if you body needs help in its organ systems. Don't ever just read these blogs and decide to start taking supplements. Your body is unique and many organ systems have the same symptoms, so never take supplements on your own unless we first of all check to see if your UNIQUE BODY needs it.