Carols Better Health Better Life

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Breakfast Food and Best before Exercise

I put this one on for Rod preparing for a vigorous bike ride or Katrina who runs. Click onto the Title to read the article and see the video in it's entirety.

What to Eat for Breakfast from Dr Mercola
Contrary to popular opinion, the morning is not the ideal time to eat large meals because during this time your body is in elimination (detox) mode.

When your metabolic system is operating well, you’ll find that you have to go to the bathroom each morning, like clockwork. This is important in order to effectively eliminate toxins and prevent disease.

So, if you’re constipated, or do not automatically eliminate every morning, it’s a giant clue you need to re-examine what and when you eat.
Ori recommends eating only detoxifying foods until noontime, such as:
• Vegetables
• Low glycemic fruits such as berries, papayas or green apples
• Light protein, such as whey protein

Whey Protein—The Ideal Morning Fuel
Not only will whey protein satiate your hunger until lunch rolls around, it can also help you reap greater benefits if you exercise in the morning. Dairy and meat do not compliment each other. Dairy and eggs do.

The Proper Time to Eat—Before and After Your Morning Workout
In practical terms, consuming 20-30 grams of whey protein with no sugar added 30 minutes before exercise, and another serving 30-60 minutes afterward can help increase both fat burning and muscle building.

Ori explains:
“During exercise, especially resistance, or strength training, you cause muscle microtrauma. Usually it’s a good thing because this microtrauma actually stimulates muscle development, but this muscle microtrauma impairs glucose utilization in your muscle for about 30 minutes up to an hour, and sometimes more.

This is the wrong time to put carb fuel into the muscle.

But since we are not putting carbohydrates in the meal it’s fine to have your recovery meal about 30 minutes after exercise.

Stressed? Watch Your Portion Sizes
Stress shuts down digestion. This is also why Ori recommends eating smaller meals during the working (stressful) hours of the day. In short, your body cannot adequately process a large meal if you’re constantly on the run—physically or mentally.

Whey protein seems to provide great nourishment under those circumstances.

Yet another benefit of whey is that it promotes production of satiety peptides which help maintain your testosterone and thyroid hormones at healthy levels.

The Ideal Breakfast Combination
As I’ve shared before, whey protein is the staple of my morning meal. I consume one serving prior to exercise, and one after, as described above. The other components I add to my shake are:
• Raw eggs
• Raw organic coconut oil (about one teaspoon)
• De-fatted chia seed fiber and protein powder
• Two Complete Probiotics
• One vitamin K2

As for the choice of milk, both raw milk from sheep and goat are rich and alpha lactalalbumin, and the raw milk creates a wonderful synergy with the whey. Whey is, of course, a part of milk to begin with, but when you add raw milk to it, you actually get something similar to human breast milk, according to Ori.