Carols Better Health Better Life

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Heal the Gut and you will heal almost all diseases

I often struggle with patients who come to a Health facility to get a "quick fix" for what ails them.

"Your pancreas and liver and kidney are blocked by fungus and heavy metals" I say to a patient. What could make it better? "A Candida detox, Metal detox, change of diet to eliminate dairy and sugar and white flour, adding more green vegetables, eating fruit without sugar, some short walks to keep the blood sugar to normal levels so you do not have the highs and lows of blood sugar.

But can't you just give me a pill that will fix the problem?

It is hard to make changes as a 30 year old, because they do not foresee into the future and what their body will look like in 30 years if they keep up their bad habits. Bad habits are even harder to change at 60 then at 30. By then we have the added burden of years of exposure to sugar, white flour, pesticides, metal teeth fillings, hormone changes.

I recently went to a Women's Health Seminar with my husband, Dr. Norman Miller and his associate, Dr. Megan Bjorklund. We walked a 1 1/4 mile to and from the seminar site. They only served us Mediterranean food and sugar and dairy were not part of the diet. We felt wonderful until we stopped at Hardees for a quick bite on the way home and then we all suffered with indigestion.

I recently found out that my DNA does better on soy milk, whole grains, lots of fiber, fresh fruit, vegetables, and grass fed animal meat. I have more pain when I include white flour, sugar, dairy, and potatoes into my diet. My blood sugar reaches unhealthy levels. Rice needs to be soaked several hours and then rinsed before cooking or the starch sends my blood sugar too high.

But here is the GOOD NEWS I learned from our speaker, James A Levine, MD from Mayo Clinic who does research on Exercise. He wrote the book, MOVE A LITTLE and LOSE A LOT. If I walk 15 minutes before I eat and 15 minutes after I eat, my blood sugar will stabilize and I won't have near as much skeletal pain, because most pain comes from blood sugar highs and lows.

We also learned from almost every MD that spoke that almost all autoimmune and heart problems come from "the gut." If we heal our Digestive systems, we heal most of our problems in the body.

Every time I eat sugar and my blood sugar spikes I can expect to have pain for another 20 days! However, there is a trick. All that good fat we have been trying to avoid, like nuts, avocado, cream, etc actually helps us reduce our blood sugar and our pain. Good fats actually aid in keeping us from scarring after a cut or surgery. He suggests that if we must have ice cream occasionally, that we eat a handful of nuts 30 minutes before the ice cream to keep our blood sugar from rising. I tried it by eating nuts, walking 30 minutes and having butter pecan ice cream and then walking home 30 minutes. My blood sugar still registered too high, so I had to take a digestive to help get it back to normal. I must find an ice cream that is natural and perhaps has more cream. If I find one I will let you know. For Now, it is time to get those 10,000 steps in for the day, so back to work I go via WALKING 15 minutes on the new Pumpkin vine trail.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Are you Gluten sensitive?

Because we have seen increasing amounts of Psoriasis in patients related to Food sensitivities. I offer the following to you.

Gluten sensitivity is different than Gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerant patients die if they continue eating Gluten, and many times there heart is affected. With Gluten sensitivities you will more likely have the following symptoms: fatigue after eating the grain you are sensitive to, muscle soreness, fibromyalgia, skin rashes, runny nose after eating, heartburn, brain fog, etc. These symptoms will not kill you, just make you miserable.

You must also be aware that when you are Gluten sensitive, you will need to look at labels on bread. Even though the grains you are sensitive could be corn, millet, oats instead of whole wheat, it is hard to find bread that does not contain “added Gluten.” So if you have been tested on the BioMeridian as being sensitive to Gluten, but not sensitive to Whole wheat, take note that you will probably need to make your own bread, flour tortilla’s, etc because very few store breads are without added gluten. If you find one without, let me know so I can list it to our patients.

The following questionnaire can be found on the South Beach Diet website. They also have a book you can buy if you are interested in eating a Gluten free diet.

Do you often feel bloated or suffer from abdominal pain, stomach cramps, or flatulence after eating even a small amount of food?

You're not alone. People with gluten sensitivity often report feeling bloated or experience cramping, abdominal pain, and flatulence even after a small meal (especially if the meal contained any gluten). These problems lumped together (often with either diarrhea or constipation) have traditionally been classified as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But IBS symptoms are also the classic symptoms of gluten sensitivity. These symptoms can often be relieved by reducing — or in some cases, eliminating — your intake of gluten.

Do you often suffer from heartburn (acid reflux)?
Many people with gluten sensitivity also suffer from acid reflux, though it's unclear exactly why. Some postulate that diminished Heliobacter pylori bacteria in the gut flora (the microbiota of the small intestine), along with other changes to the gut flora — possibly due to an over prescription of antibiotics beginning in childhood — may exacerbate gluten sensitivity and contribute to reflux.

Do you often suffer from headaches?
Headaches are considered an "atypical symptom" of gluten sensitivity because they're not related to the GI tract. However, chronic headaches and migraines have been linked to gluten disorders. If you suffer from headaches or migraines, gluten may be a trigger. To make matters worse, overuse of anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, may exacerbate symptoms of gluten sensitivity, including headaches, by damaging the small intestine similarly to the way such medications can damage the lining of the stomach.

Do you wake up with stiff joints?
If you wake up with stiff, achy joints, gluten may be partly to blame. Joint stiffness and pain are considered atypical symptoms of gluten sensitivity because they're not related to the GI tract but can nevertheless be brought on by inflammation in the body or an autoimmune response to gluten. Unfortunately, the very drugs that are commonly taken to alleviate stiff joints may contribute to the problem, as research suggests that overuse of anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, can exacerbate symptoms of gluten sensitivity, including joint pain, by damaging the small intestine similarly to the way such medications can damage the lining of the stomach. The good news is that morning stiffness and joint pain frequently respond to a reduction in gluten.

Do you typically feel fatigued, even after getting enough sleep?
Fatigue is a very common (though atypical) symptom that can be indicative of gluten sensitivity. If you often feel tired, even after getting enough sleep, gluten overload may be causing the problem. People with gluten sensitivity often report that they feel energized and less fatigued after cutting down on — or in some cases, eliminating — gluten.

Do you have excess mucus, postnasal drip, rhinitis, or sinus problems?
While these common symptoms are far from the GI tract, they may indicate gluten sensitivity. The cause is not definitely known, but these symptoms have also been associated with the absence of Heliobacter pylori bacteria from the gut flora (the microbiota of the small intestine). This, along with other changes to the gut flora — possibly due to an over prescription of antibiotics beginning in childhood — may exacerbate gluten sensitivity and contribute to these problems. Incidentally, sinus issues can also be indicative of a wheat allergy, which is different from gluten sensitivity in that people who are allergic to wheat don't tend to have problems with other forms of gluten — so that's another possibility to consider.

Do you have difficulty keeping your mental focus?
Because lack of mental focus, also referred to as "brain fog," is such a common complaint, it's not always immediately associated with gluten sensitivity. However, many people with even mild gluten sensitivity report that they feel energized and less fatigued after cutting down on — or in some cases, eliminating — gluten.

Do you have a problem with depression?
Like several of these other symptoms, depression is not an obvious manifestation of gluten sensitivity — and in fact, it's not a classic symptom. But it is one of many symptoms that can improve when people who are sensitive to gluten change their diets and reduce — or in some cases, eliminate — foods that contain the protein.

Do you suffer from skin rashes?
Skin rashes can be an indication of many disorders, including gluten sensitivity (they're an atypical symptom) and wheat allergy (in which a rash appears immediately after ingesting wheat). Psoriasis is a more serious skin condition that results from autoimmunity and may also be associated with gluten sensitivity. If you think you might be sensitive to gluten and you suffer from skin rashes, including psoriasis, reducing — or in some cases, eliminating — gluten from your diet may help.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


From: Clean, Green, and Lean: Get Rid of the Toxins that make you Fat, by Dr Walter Crinnion, 2010, eISBN:978-0-470-58865-9, (I am directly quoting)
I have this book on my Kindle and Highly Recommend it to my readers.

Good for the Liver: green tea, broccoli, red beets, turmeric, ginger, rosemary, dark green leafy vegetables, rice bran and brown rice. The more of these you eat, the more toxins you will be escorting out of your body.

When it comes to helping the liver properly process chemicals in the blood, the two most powerful foods are green tea and broccoli. Broccoli boosts the enzymes that help move caffeine and some airborne pollutants out of our blood, and it boosts glutathione function, which helps usher out toxins such as pesticides and solvents (from the way we garden). Eat broccoli raw or juiced for peak benefits, or use broccoli sprouts on your salad. Beyond broccoli, great choices with similar properties are in the cabbage family, beets, and liberal amounts of turmeric, ginger and rosemary.

Green tea and broccoli release fat from storage, supports the liver in its mission to clear toxins from the blood, and helps fat-soluble toxins leave the body with your stool. No other natural compound has such profound power over these toxins that are so reluctant to leave our bodies. Green tea is associated with reduced rates of cancer. It hurries cancer cells along to the self destruction that awaits aged cells. Drinking 4 cups of green tea daily reduces the risk of stomach cancer.

Green tea has also been shown to be effective in preventing the development of full blown prostate tumors in men after drinking 4 cups every day for a year.

Many people say they do not like the taste of green tea. It’s amazing how your taste buds can adjust to accommodate what your body knows is good for it—try it. It is an acquired taste. Try jasmine green tea. Republic of Tea has many wonderful flavors. Try Starbucks green iced tea.

Green tea is also beneficial for our mental functioning, providing powerful brain protection. People who drink two or more cups of green tea a day are 54 percent less likely to experience the typical cognitive decline that happens as we age. The polyphenols in green tea pass through the blood-brain barrier and serve as protective antioxidants for the precious brain cells (neurons), but they can also chelate iron from them. This prevents iron build-up inside the neurons, a condition that promotes oxidative damage is associated with the development of Parkinsonism and other chronic neurologic diseases.

Other benefits of heavily drinking Green tea:
• has been shown to have anti-anxiety effect in animal studies
• provides protection for the heart
• people who drink more than 2 cups of green tea daily are less at risk for cardiovascular disease
• increases levels of normal healthy intestinal bacteria while decreasing harmful bacteria
• prevents chronic atrophic gastritis (found in 80% of people over age 65)

The chapter from this book has convinced me to try drinking 4 cups of Green tea a day. It is worth a try for those of us with chronic liver issues, constipation, or have high cholesterol or whose HDL levels are not as high as we would like them. I like my Green tea with freshly squeezed lemon or lime,and a tsp of maple syrup.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Why you need at least 5,000 units of Vitamin D orally

Dr Mercola recommends getting sun exposure to increase your Vitamin D levels. 

But John Cannel, MD claims it is hard to get Vitamin D levels to increase just by sun exposure without a swim suit.

About John Cannell, MD

Dr. John Cannell is founder of the Vitamin D Council. He has written many peer-reviewed papers on vitamin D and speaks frequently across the United States on the subject. Dr. Cannell holds an M.D. and has served the medical field as a general practitioner, itinerant emergency physician, and psychiatrist.

"Perhaps forearms, face and hands are just not enough skin surface to make meaningful amount of vitamin D.  Such brief sun exposure may not be long enough to make meaningful amount of vitamin D.

Our hunter-gatherer equatorial ancestors had very dark skin but wore no or little clothing and were outside most or all of the day. Recent studies indicate such people had vitamin D levels around 50 ng/ml. This indicates a vitamin D input of about 5,000 to 10,000 IU/day.
Vitamin D status in indigenous populations: Part 1. Posted on August 27, 2012 by John Cannell, MD
That’s why the Vitamin D Council recommends full body sunbathing, not incidental sun exposure. Make sure your shadow is shorter than you are so you know you are making vitamin D. Also, since most people can’t sunbath every day, and because the vitamin D winter is so severe, we recommend 5,000 IU/day on the days you don’t sunbathe./

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cancer Prevention

Ck out

Cancer Prevention Begins with Your Lifestyle Choices

While exercise is an important facet of cancer prevention and treatment, it's certainly not the only one. I believe the vast majority of all cancers could be prevented by strictly applying the healthy lifestyle recommendations below:
  • Avoid sugar, especially fructose. All forms of sugar are detrimental to health in general and promote cancer. Fructose, however, is clearly one of the most harmful and should be avoided as much as possible.
  • Optimize your vitamin D. Vitamin D influences virtually every cell in your body and is one of nature's most potent cancer fighters. Vitamin D is actually able to enter cancer cells and trigger apoptosis (cell death). If you have cancer, your vitamin D level should be between 70 and 100 ng/ml. Vitamin D works synergistically with every cancer treatment I'm aware of, with no adverse effects. I suggest you try watching my one-hour free lecture on vitamin D to learn more.
  • Limit your protein. Newer research has emphasized the importance of the mTOR pathways. When these are active, cancer growth is accelerated. The best way to quiet this pathway is by limiting your protein to one gram of protein per kilogram of lean body weight, or roughly a bit less than half a gram of protein per every pound of lean body weight. For most people this ranges between 40 and 70 grams of protein a day, which is about 2/3 to half of what they are currently eating.
  • Avoid unfermented soy products. Unfermented soy is high in plant estrogens, or phytoestrogens, also known as isoflavones. In some studies, soy appears to work in concert with human estrogen to increase breast cell proliferation, which increases the chances for mutations and cancerous cells.
  • Improve your insulin and leptin receptor sensitivity. The best way to do this is by avoiding sugar and grains and restricting carbs to mostly fiber vegetables. Also making sure you are exercising, especially with Peak Fitness.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight. This will come naturally when you begin eating right for your nutritional type and exercising. It's important to lose excess body fat because fat produces estrogen.
  • Drink a pint to a quart of organic green vegetable juice daily. Please review my juicing instructions for more detailed information.
  • Get plenty of high quality animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil. Omega-3 deficiency is a common underlying factor for cancer.
  • Curcumin. This is the active ingredient in turmeric and in high concentrations can be very useful adjunct in the treatment of cancer. For example, it has demonstrated major therapeutic potential in preventing breast cancer metastasis.9 It's important to know that curcumin is generally not absorbed that well, so I've provided several absorption tips here.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, or at least limit your alcoholic drinks to one per day.
  • Avoid electromagnetic fields as much as possible. Even electric blankets can increase your cancer risk.
  • Avoid synthetic hormone replacement therapy, especially if you have risk factors for breast cancer. Breast cancer is an estrogen-related cancer, and according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, breast cancer rates for women dropped in tandem with decreased use of hormone replacement therapy. (There are similar risks for younger women who use oral contraceptives. Birth control pills, which are also comprised of synthetic hormones, have been linked to cervical and breast cancers.)
  • If you are experiencing excessive menopausal symptoms, you may want to consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy instead, which uses hormones that are molecularly identical to the ones your body produces and do not wreak havoc on your system. This is a much safer alternative.
  • Avoid BPA, phthalates and other xenoestrogens. These are estrogen-like compounds that have been linked to increased breast cancer risk
  • Make sure you're not iodine deficient, as there's compelling evidence linking iodine deficiency with certain forms of cancer. Dr. David Brownstein10, author of the book Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It, is a proponent of iodine for breast cancer. It actually has potent anticancer properties and has been shown to cause cell death in breast and thyroid cancer cells.
  • For more information, I recommend reading Dr. Brownstein's book. I have been researching iodine for some time ever since I interviewed Dr. Brownstein as I do believe that the bulk of what he states is spot on. However, I am not at all convinced that his dosage recommendations are correct. I believe they are too high.
  • Avoid charring your meats. Charcoal or flame broiled meat is linked with increased breast cancer risk. Acrylamide—a carcinogen created when starchy foods are baked, roasted or fried—has been found to increase cancer risk as well.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Omega3 and Holiday Season Stress

HOLIDAY SEASON STRESS from the blog of:
During the holiday season, it can be easy to fall out of your healthy routine. You become overwhelmed by everything you need to do (just like I do) and some of your healthy habits fall by the wayside.  No matter how busy you are, though, please remember to include Omega-3 fats in your diet.
The benefits of Omega-3 fats in our bodies is a list so long and so vast it has filled hundreds of books, but the ones that really keep me diligent about taking them (and giving them to my kids) are:
  • Increased brain function and memory
  • Improved joint health and skin health
  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Helps the body in fat loss and weight maintenance.

    Here are 3 great ways to make Omega-3s a part of your healthy eating regimen:
    1. Eat free range eggs.
    Eggs that come from chickens that have been allowed to roam freely are much healthier and MUCH higher in Omega-3 fats than chickens that have been raised in tight coops.
 Don't just think eggs for breakfast; use them in egg salad for lunch and deviled eggs as an appetizer for your next party.

2. Use chia seeds.
 They are high in Omega-3s (higher even than flax seeds) and do not need to be ground before using them, making them super easy to sprinkle on just about anything. Add a tablespoon of chia seeds to your yogurt, oatmeal, salad, or even a soup for a delicious dose of Omega-3s.

3. Make a salmon dip for your next holiday party.
Get your Omega-3s and improve the health of your family and friends by contributing a healthy salmon dip to your next holiday party.

Spicy Salmon Dip
6 ounces baked salmon
2-3 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise
Squeeze of chili paste, to taste
Unrefined sea salt, to taste
1 avocado, diced (optional)
1 large English cucumber, sliced

Break up cooked salmon into small chunks. With a fork, mix together the mayo, chili paste and salt. Taste and season to your liking, adding in more kick via the chili paste if you'd like. Gently mix in the avocado (if desired) and spoon onto cucumber rounds. Serve immediately.

Take an Omega-3 supplement every single day. This ensures that I am getting enough of this critical nutrient every single day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Flu and Cold Season is Here

From American Diabetes

Flu season is here. Learn how to stay healthy.

Combat the Cold & Flu
by Roberta Kleinman, RN, M.Ed., CDE November 9, 2011

Did you know people with diabetes have a reduced immune system? This can increase the risk for illness. Here are my cold and flu season tips which are good for anyone but especially for people with diabetes.

What you need to know about the flu. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people with diabetes who get the flu are 6 times more likely to be hospitalized with complications. People with diabetes are 3-4 times more likely to die from the flu and pneumonia. Some people may develop the flu despite getting a flu shot, but not because of the vaccine. It is not recommended that people with diabetes use the flu nasal spray mist which is a diluted live virus.

The Differences Between a Cold and the Flu

A Cold
Slow onset and is caused by a virus (versus a bacterial infection that may feel like a cold).
Typical symptoms: sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, clear secretions, dry cough, no fever, sore throat and no body aches.
A cold generally does not affect blood sugar.

The Flu
Sudden onset and is caused by virus. Also increases your chances of a bacterial illness like sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.
Typical symptoms: watery eyes, stuffy running nose, flushed skin, fever, body aches, chills, muscle aches, weakness and extreme fatigue.
Very possible for the flu to have an effect on blood sugar due to the stress of the illness.

What to do if you get the flu
• Rest.
• Hydrate with sugar free liquids about once an hour.
• Monitor your blood sugar every 4 hours. If it is below 60 mg/dL or over 240 mg/dL, call your doctor.
• Monitor your temperature. Adults with a temperature above 101 should call their doctor.
• Check for ketones when your blood sugar rises above 240 mg/dL. If a moderate to large amount of ketones is present, call your doctor. If a small amount of ketones is present, drink extra sugar-free liquids.
• Wash your hands often.
• If you are vomiting or have diarrhea, add some sodium from soup or consommé about every 3 hours.
• Keep taking your medications as directed even if you are not eating as your blood sugar will possibly be elevated. Check with your physician if you are on insulin as it may need to be increased.
• Call your doctor if you lose more than 5 pounds. That may indicate that your blood sugar is out of control.
• Call your doctor if you have trouble breathing or if you start to feel disoriented.
• Change your tooth brush when you are feeling better to avoid potential infection or re-infection.

What to do if you get a cold
• Rest.
• Hydrate.
• Consider taking zinc supplements of 50 mg every 8 hours for 3 - 4 days. If you prefer zinc lozenges, choose the sugar free kind.
• Consider taking vitamin C supplements up to 1000 mg a day. Watch out for stomach upset which can happen.
• Consider taking Echinacea if you have a cold to help support your immune system.
• Preventing Illness

Get plenty of rest.
Stay hydrated.
Wash your hands.
Carry hand sanitizer.
Avoid contact with objects such as door knobs, computer keyboards, telephones, or grocery carts without using hand sanitizer.
Consider supplementation such as Vitamin D (D3 cholecalciferol) and probiotics to support your immune system.
Consider using a Neti pot which will help keep your nasal passages clear.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cancer - can we fight it?

Cancer Prevention with the Foods you Eat
When someone in your family has stomach cancer or pancreas cancer, you begin to research and ask why? Here are several people’s ideas. From the book, Foods that fight Pain, p. 160, by Neal Barnard, MD written in 1998: "People who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables have lower rates of many types of cancer, including those arising in the esophagus, stomach, pancreas and colon. Stomach cancer is also linked to smoked and salt pickled foods. Cancer of the pancreas has also been studied in international comparisons and is linked with meats, alcohol and coffee. Diets rich in animal products and other fatty foods tend to increase cancer risk, while vegetables and fruits help reduce it. People who consume the most fruits and vegetables have the lowest cancer rates.”

Some things to remember if you are Diabetic. You are at a greater risk for pancreatic cancer and as Dr Oz states you should be watching the color of your poop. If it is brown, it is fine, but if it turns very light in color you should be reporting it to your doctor. Some of the things Dr Barnard states that are helpful to remember if you are diabetic: "1) Insulin is sensitive to fat. So watch out for greasy foods. 2) Complex carbs (rice/potatoes/100% whole grain bread) release their sugars gradually, while sugar, bread, pastas do not. 3) Fiber keeps the absorption of sugar slow and steady." We keep recommending you take 1 T of ground up flax seed every morning, or something with 100% bran in it.

We have also discovered through some of Dr West’s literature that you can improve your blood sugar by making sure you either take a complex B or eating whole grains. “Generous amounts of vegetables, whole grains, and bean dishes, while generally avoiding animal products and bad fats can reverse Diabetes in those taking oral medications. Plant based diets and exercise not only gets blood sugars under control, it dramatically reduces the risk of eye, kidney, and nerve complications.”

Dr Joel Fuhrman gives seminars to doctors and lay people to help people change their lifestyle. From the book Eat to Live, by Joel Fuhrman, MD: “Cancer is a fruit and vegetable deficiency disease. Raw vegetables have the most powerful anti-cancer properties of all foods. Beans, in general, not just soy, have additional anti-cancer benefits against reproductive cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer. Consume high levels of fruits, green vegetables, and beans. Take note though that he says “a vegetarian whose diet is mainly refined grains, cold breakfast cereal, processed health food store products, vegetarian fast foods, white rice, and pasta will be worse off than a person who eats a little chicken or eggs, but consumes large amounts of fruits, vegetables and beans.

Vegetarians often have less heart disease and often have cholesterol levels of 125. By taking cholesterol lowering medications and blood pressure meds, you do not necessarily keep someone from a major heart attack. You are simply suppressing the body from having high cholesterol or high blood pressure, but you are not addressing the origin of the problem, which is often stress or a diet high in sugar or refined carbohydrates. Tell someone that they should cut out all their sugar and white flour products and you will quickly find out what they eat. Most inflamed and arthritic patients simply refuse to cut out all baked goods with white flour and sugar out of their diet, but they very quickly let you know they do not eat extra sugar. They are totally unaware of the high sugar content in their breakfast cereal, toast, bagels, muffins, orange juice, pancakes and waffles. They will not eat unsweetened apple sauce, and they must have a dessert with their meals. I have watched my father order Essenhaus pancakes and slather them with butter and syrup, and then as the syrup soaks in, add additional syrup. This post becomes very personal to me because my father thinks he eats pretty healthy, and most folks his age are not nearly as concerned about eating healthy as they are about just getting those vitamins from pills. If we tell them to eat 6-8 servings of vegetables a day, they prefer a Green Drink or a Vegetable pill to eating the vegetable.

I am very concerned about the soil our plants are grown in. We spray them with pesticides and weed killers and expect a healthy crop. Since the 80’s when we began the “no till” soil, cancer has been on the rise. We have depended upon our farmers to raise good grain crops, but now we are feeding our animals mostly grains from a “no till” soil. We are raising an “inflamed” society. We are taking more and more pain killers to get rid of the self induced pain, due to our fast paced life, and needing to make more money.

I urge you today to consider a diet consisting of the following foods:

Try following this diet for 5-6 days in a row, and then you are allowed one free day a week where you can eat anything you want, while still making sure you have 2-4 oz of protein at each meal, 6-8 servings of vegetables every day, 3 servings of fruit daily, and 3 servings of complex carbs every day. How much you eat depends upon the natural frame of your body. Most adults should be able to eat 1600-2000 calories a day, while eating no more than 400 calories per meal:

Breakfast 400 calories
Mid morning snack 300-400 calories
Lunch 400 calories
Afternoon snack 300-400 calories
Dinner 400 calories


*Egg whites with 1–2 whole eggs for flavor (or, if organic, 2–5 whole eggs, including yolks)
*Chicken breast or thigh
*Black beans or Lentils
*Beef (preferably grass-fed)
Pork (rarely)
Cottage Cheese


*Lentils (also called "dal" or "daal")
Pinto beans (incomplete protein)
Red beans (incomplete protein)

*Fiber: Flax Seed Ground up (1 Tbsp a day) Bran, or Chia seeds

Nuts and Seeds (especially almonds, walnuts)


*Mixed vegetables (including broccoli, cauliflower, or any other cruciferous vegetables)
*Mixed Greens and Southern Greens (Okra, collard greens, kale)
Green beans and cucumbers

If you are trying to lose weight, concentrate on getting the * asterisked foods in your diet on a daily basis. Eat as much as you like of the above food items, but keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries, potatoes, or rice.

In your diet you should have moderate amounts of good fats. Nuts come in this category as well. But use: Fish Oil or Krill Oil or Olive oil (limit to 2 tsp per meal)

The foods below should be eaten in moderation, so your blood sugar does not rise too quickly.

Fruits (3 servings a day) between meals, but never with meat

If you juice your own fruits and vegetables, drink these freshly made.

Apples, grapes, grapefruit, lemon, lime, cantaloupe, berries, papaya, sour cherries, watermelon (or any fruit in season in your area)

If walking at least 3 miles a day, you can add 100% whole grains, sweet potatoes, corn, whole wheat pasta to your evening meal.

If using cheese, do not exceed 2 oz per day. Cheese can be sprinkled over vegetables and eggs for more flavor.

Bedtime snack of 4 oz of wine or berries or Rezveratrol

If you have stomach issues, watch out for smoke grilled meats and pickled foods. You may want to make sure that you get an apple every day. Mild apples that work for me are gala or fuji apples.

A NOTE OF CAUTION to all HCg dieters

There is some cause for concern with this currently very popular diet. The HCg diet is not recommended to be taken often. If you have gastrointestinal issues, pancreas high or low blood sugar issues, or liver or gallbladder problems you should be slow to get on this diet more than once a year. You should have done a Liver Detoxification for 15 days before you begin this diet.

The Dr Navarre Urine test links high levels of HCg in the urine to cancer. If you want to see if you have high levels before you begin the HCg diet, you can send for the urine kit. It will cost you around $50 to do the test.

I recently had an acquaintance who had gastrointestinal issues resulting in high blood pressure. This patient recently went on the HCg diet and very successfully lost a lot of weight. However, within a year of the diet, she was diagnosed with pancreatic/liver cancer and died within 3 months of her diagnosis. I checked with a local doctor who has patients on this diet, and he has not had this happen under his watch. But he gives them a Liver Detox before the diet, monitors the color of their poop, and does not recommend the patient go on this diet for more than 43 days out of the year. He also strongly insists that they keep their protein level low and their vegetable intake very high. He says the high protein diets are very hard on the kidney. He also says the two day gorge days of high gain and high loss thereafter is hard on the heart. These are things to take in consideration. We know that the HCg diet is not a diet for everyone. Some do not lose any weight on this diet, while others lose large amounts of weight. The biggest negatives about this diet (in my opinion) is not eating until lunch time, and the large amounts of coffee consumed, and the limited amounts of vegetables and fruits on the diet.

Grocery Food List
melons or cantaloupes
grape fruits

We highly recommend to wash them all properly with Hydrochloric solution 5%.

Extras: Stevia, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ginger, tumeric, cayenne pepper, and cumin.

Beans and Peas:
- Adzuki beans
- Black beans
- Black-eyed peas
- Broad beans
- Butter beans
- Garbanzos
- Green beans and Italian green beans
- Green peas (English peas)
- Lentils
- Lima beans
- Mung
- Pinto
- Pigeon peas
- Soy beans
- Split peas
- Wax
- White beans (cannellini, greta northern, navy)

Note: All meat, soy meat substitutes, cheeses, beans and eggs are counted as protein - although not all are complete protein. I cannot recommend kidney beans because they are on almost everyone’s sensitivity list. If legumes are eaten with equal amounts of whole grain rice they become a complete protein.

Fresh vegetables are obviously best. Frozen is good. Canned is okay for some foods such as tomatoes.

- Arugula
- Asparagus
- Bok Choy
- Broccoli, brocoli rabe, broccoli sprouts
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage (green or red)
- Capers
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Chayote squash
- Chicory
- Chives
- Cilantro
- Collard greens
- Cucumbers
- Endive
- Fennel
- Garlic
- Green beans
- Kale greens
- Leeks
- Lettuce (all varieties, but iceberg is the least desirable)
- Mushrooms (all varieties)
- Mustard Greens
- Okra
- Onions (all varieties)
- Parsley
- Peppers (all varieties)
- Sauerkraut
- Scallions (green onions)
- Sea vegetables( kelp, dulse, nori, kombu, hijiki
- Shallots
- Snow peas
- Spaghetti squash
- Spinach
- Sprouts (bean, alfalfa)
- Swiss chard greens
- Tomatoes
-Turnip greens
- Watercress Chestnuts
- Winter squash
- Yellow squash
- Zucchini squash

* Green beans, Italian beans, and wax are considered veggies, rather than legumes, on this diet.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Prevent Mosquito Bites and West Nile Virus

Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance--their bites can cause serious complications including the transmission of diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, and West Nile virus (WN) to humans.

While there are many ways to deter mosquitoes from biting you, some are more toxic than others. The following suggestions give you easy ways to repel these pests:

• Use Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets--just wipe on and go. This is great for babies.

• Supplement with one vitamin B-1 tablet a day from April through October. Add 100 mg of B-1 to a B-100 Complex daily during the mosquito season.

• Don't eat bananas during mosquito season--mosquitoes love bananas! There is something about how your body processes the banana oil that attracts these female sugar-loving insects.

• One of the best natural insect repellents is Vick's Vaporub®.

• Planting marigolds around your yard works great as a bug repellent because the flowers give off a fragrance bugs do not like. This is a great way to ward off mosquitoes without using chemical insecticides.

• Campers agree that the very best mosquito repellant is Avon Skin-So-Soft® bath oil mixed half and half with rubbing alcohol.

• One of the best natural insect repellants we use in Texas is made from the clear liquid vanilla that is sold in Mexico. It is reported to work great for mosquitoes and ticks, and spreading a little vanilla mixed with olive oil on your skin smells great.

• Commercial mosquito dunks will kill mosquito larvae before they become mosquitoes. There are fairly environmentally sound biological mosquito controls containing no toxic chemicals. Each dunk affectively treats up to 100 square feet of surface water regardless of depth for about 30 days. Dunks may be broken into smaller pieces to treat small areas. Unused and dried out dunks retain their potency indefinitely, so you can store extras for the long summer season. Put them in fountains, ponds, rain gutters, flowerpot trays, and anywhere water may pool.

• Citronella soap is a product that started in the Bahamas and Belize. The soaps are made with olive oil for moisture and great lather, Aloe Vera to soothe the skin, and citronella oil to repel mosquitoes. For high intensity protection you can burn citronella incense. Mosquitoes avoid citronella and they hate the smoke.

• Citronella essential oil (Java Citronella) is considered to be the highest quality citronella on the market. It is a safe mosquito repellent.

• Electronic repellents utilize one to two sound frequencies to simulate dragonflies and other male mosquitoes, creating a competitive environment for the blood-sucking female. These devices come with Velcro bands for wearing on your wrist or ankle, or on your pocket or belt.

• When all else fails--get a frog!

Avoid using DEET if at all possible. One study found that DEET causes diffuse brain cell death and behavioral changes in rats, and researchers suggest that humans may experience memory loss, headache, weakness, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, tremors and shortness of breath with heavy exposure to DEET and other insecticides.

In the event that you choose to use DEET, although I strongly recommend against it, do not use the products on infants and be very wary of using them on children at all (at least make sure products for children contain 15 percent or less DEET

• Avoid prolonged and excessive use of DEET. Use sparingly to cover exposed skin; do not treat unexposed skin.

• Do not apply directly on face.

• Wash treated skin and clothing after returning indoors.

Janet Starr Hull's Healthy Newsletter May 2003

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Can't beat Summer eating

I came home from work with a basket of Heirloom Produce. It was so much fun to float fresh spinach and green onions on top of my chicken broth for soup. Then I fried some tilapia and placed it on top of fresh Spring Mix Greens, sliced green onion and radishes with some ranch dressing and feta cheese. We ended the meal with some fresh catnip herb tea. So satisfying and fast. Now I am brewing some fresh rhubarb to make a rhubarb juice.

Making this rhubarb juice couldn’t be simpler. Chop up a few pounds of rhubarb. Add a split vanilla bean. Cover with water. Boil until the rhubarb is soft. Strain out the bright pink juice and you’re ready to go - plus some delicious rhubarb pulp to add to your yogurt!Sipped straight, this juice is so tart it made us wince and so bitter that we totally lost the rhubarb-ness that we love. We couldn’t imagine what we were going to do with a whole quart of the stuff.

Then we added a few tablespoons to a glass of water and had our “Aha!” moment. Diluted in plain water, suddenly the bitterness was gone. It was definitely still tart, but more of the essential rhubarb flavor came through. It was thirst quenching and delicious

Traditional uses suggest the following doses:
For constipation, 'Ic to I tsp P.O. daily of tincture or I to 2 tsp P.O. daily of decoction.

For diarrhea, I tsp P.O. daily of tincture or decoction.

For upper GI bleeding, 3-g tablets or powder P.O. b.i.d. to q.i.d.

Use lower-strength preparations for older children and patients over age 65.

Adverse Reactions
GU: urine discoloration (bright yellow or red).

Skin: contact dermatitis (from handling the leaves).